3 rue Joseph et Marie Hackin 75016 PARISARVALIS - Vegetable Institute For technological agriculture, efficient and sustainable resolutely Improve farm competitiveness, create opportunities, improve the profitability of production and chains and satisfy consumers and citizens are the objectives ARVALIS Institute plant. The expertise to farmers and industries A network of engineers and experts present on the national territory ARVALIS Institute plant, applied research organization, product technical and economic references and directly applicable in the agricultural production systems. Research stations, experimental sites, farms application, laboratories, the Institute has 35 sites located throughout the national territory. The teams are piloting studies at different levels of scale: - the plant: varietal characterization, development of biotechnologies - the plot: technical route; protection; nutrition; implantation techniques, crop protection products or applications. - exploitation and watershed: risk management point and diffuse pollution, organic status and soil fertility, biodiversity management, greenhouse gases greenhouse effects and conducted rotations, operating economics and competitiveness. The Institute's jurisdiction covers production techniques, harvesting, storage and preservation as well as the qualitative aspects of productions for all opportunities. The institute offers training and disseminates information through a strong presence in the press or on its own information channels: Agricultural Outlook, ARVALIS CETIOM information, ARVALIS.fr, information meetings and symposia, pamphlets. It also offers farmers and technicians operational tools, often computerized, for the conduct of crops.
The Contract Research Map is owned and maintained by Scientist.com. It was created to help researchers in the life sciences identify and connect with contract research organizations (CROs) based on geography. Updated nightly, this map features all of the available CROs within our network, so you can order services with a few clicks. Click on a specific country, scroll on the map itself or type into the search bar at the top—there are many ways to find the location and suppliers that you’re looking for. From Argentina to New Zealand, use this map to connect with a CRO near you.
We believe that every researcher across the world should be able to connect with the thousands of global CROs that exist and have the opportunity to work together. Like many industries,the life science supply chain has been disrupted over the last year. But there are many other circumstances such as international customs regulations or sensitive shipping times that create limitations around which countries are feasible to partner with. Sometimes, finding a CRO based in a country that best suits your research needs is imperative. We hope this contract research map allows you to find the right partner in the right place at the right time.
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Scientist.com is a highly efficient enterprise-wide outsourcing marketplace that makes it possible for research organizations to save time and money, access innovation and ensure compliance. It utilizes a universal legal agreement and AI technologies to enable research like never before. See how comparing proposals and getting 1-on-1 support from our Research Concierge® team will enable you to place more research today.
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